Using our website means that: (i) you agree to only access to the content publicly posted by our company or permitted to be accessed on our website; (ii) you undertake not to unauthorized access to any content or feature of the website and/or any network connected to our website and/or any servers of our company that are not made for publicly uses by our company/license; (iii) and you agree as below conditions :
- You must not attack, probe, scan or test the vulnerability of this website or any network connected to our website or breach the security or authentication measures on the website or any network connected to our website
- You must not copy, reproduce or distribute any content including mirroring to any computer, server, website or other means for publication, distribution to any other company without our permission.
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- You must not pretend that you are customer, or impersonate any individual, any company for using this website for any purpose or products that is unlawful or prohibited by the Terms of Use; or to impersonate our company to attract any illegal activities or other activity which infringes the rights of Tokyo Seisakusho VietNam; or otherwise take any action in violation of our Terms of Use.